Infiniti PowercatsInfiniti 60 GT
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Constructed with confidence
Engineered by the best in the business, the Infiniti Powercat is constructed using epoxy infused carbon/foam and e-glass/foam. This construction method is at the leading edge of the industry, providing a vessel that is stronger for its weight than conventionally constructed vessels, with far greater osmosis protection and structural integrity. Awlgrip painted hulls come as standard, a far superior finish to the regular gel-coats found on most vessels of this ilk.
The vessel comes with an unmatched 5 year structural warranty.
Smart Design that is also Beautiful
The Infiniti Powercat is a vessel that is stunningly beautiful, executed to the highest possible industry standards and is versatile and capable of being offshore.
With foil driven technology that reduces fuel consumption by up to 40%, increasing range and comfort at the same time.
The Infiniti Powercat is unique in that with a relatively modest beam she is able to be berthed in a conventional slip, avoiding the need for double or extra sized berthing.
She is also designed to be beachable, allowing for exploration of shallow areas as well as being the ultimate Sandbar party boat!